In 2012 the Bar and restaurant opened its doors in Downtown Chandler, Arizona.  Over the years Bourbon Jack's has made a name of bringing live Country Music to the little Historic Square.  Bands from all over the state have played there...   Thursday morning John and Kristin, the founding owners of Bourbon Jack's announced that they had just handed the keys over to the new owners of the establishment.  While this may have come as a shock to us and possibly many others... This is not necessarily a bad thing.  Change can be good.  The former owners seems excited about their future and the changes and of course we here at Country Road Entertainment wish them all of the best.

Bourbon Jack's Bar & Grill Sold


That being said... Where does that leave the venue?  On Thursday Evening we were informed that the owners of local Irish Pub, Murphy's Law had acquired the iconic venue...  As of now, we were informed that no major changes will occur and their main priority is to simply preserve and improve the business as a whole.  We will be following closely through the coming weeks and we will keep you up to date with anything new that comes up with Bourbon Jack's

In the meantime, we wish the new owners the absolute best of luck and we are looking forward of many fun years to come at Bourbon Jack's in Chandler, Arizona. 

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